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HoCo 2K15 (As Maggie Refers To It)

This past weekend was Homecoming for Summit High (since I'm behind, let me do a quick update:  we moved to Breckenridge and Hays and Maggie attend Summit High School).

The littles and I headed to the football game on Friday night (Colorado mountain football is NOTHING like football in the South--interesting.)  We had fun watching the game and laughing at Gabby (she asked if a first down was a home run--clearly we need more football in our lives).  All of us bought some SHS swag since we are the newest Tiger fans!

Maggie has found a fantastic group of friends here in Summit County!  They are great girls and they have been unbelievable about including her in their group without hesitation!  I have been blown away by that!  They are planners (meaning they make big plans but they seriously lack actual organized planning skills) and they love to make stuff happen!  For Homecoming they met at Mia's house to get ready and take pictures--there were girls and moms and curling irons and mirrors and hair spray and selfies and strapless bras and make up and dresses everywhere!  It was so much fun!  The moms brought food and sparkling grape juice and cameras.

Getting ready was supposed to start at 3:00.
Then the girls only pictures were scheduled for 5:40.
At 5:45 dates and dads showed up for more pictures.
After that they were off to Ben's house for a huge dinner (more than 30 Freshman showed up) where they had more pictures and more dads and more dates and then ate before heading to the dance.
Maggie invited a friend, Chase Renner, to the dance.  He goes to another high school and had to have an invitation to go to Homecoming.  Maggie was so thoughtful that she didn't hesitate even once second when she found out that he needed the invitation!  I love her!
After the dance the girls had a sleepover.  Whirlwind!

Hays was the exact opposite.  After no plans for weeks, we decided Erin should come at the last minute and that was a great choice.  (She's adorable and we love her.)

They had a relaxing day of exploring Breck.
Then they got ready in time to meet for the 5:45 pictures with Maggie (they even stopped by to pick up Maggie's date).
What Junior boy does that for his mom and his sister?  He even brought his good camera.  I was floored and so grateful.  I love my boy!  Then he and Erin went to dinner downtown and headed to the dance.  Much to my surprise, he knocked on my bedroom door about 10:20 to say that he was home because the dance was dumb (tons of people just grinding and that is gross).

Could they be any more different?  Nope!  And I love that!


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