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Tiki's First Day of School

Well, it is over!!! I took him to school this morning. Maggie walked with us to his class and we got Mrs. Larson, the teacher I asked for. I had heard that she is diligent and structured and that she may be good for Tiki. Anyway, I went to his classroom and stayed a while and he seemed to be doing great. He didn't seem scared. He didn't seem too overwhelmed. He was behaving and trying to participate. There were three adults in the room (not counting me) and one was helping him exclusively. I felt great about leaving him. My fears were calmed and I just knew he was going to have a great day.

I went to pick him up. . . .I ran into the principal first and she told me that he kept running off all day and was running out of line and down the halls. Uh-oh! (I don't think they EVER walked in lines in Rwanda and I don't think there were many carpeted halls lined with pretty paintings and other artwork in his old school.) So, I went to talk to his teacher (he and the class were at library). He didn't have the super day I had imagined. He did run around a bit and went into the girls' bathroom several times. He didn't hit anyone, though, and he didn't cry!!! That is good news! That is about where the good news stops, though.

I picked him up at the library and he was sitting down at a table with three girls and he was behaving. I was so proud of him and he looked so happy.

We left school and he was all smiles. About 50 kids said, "Bye Tiki!" as we were leaving. I know that even though he didn't have a "good" day by the adults' standards, he really enjoyed his first day of school as an American.

I was so proud of Maggie. She went to his room to check on him several times. She was a great big sister! My heart was so full of happy pride!

We came home and I had a total emotional break down on the phone (thank you for being there, Gretchen!) I hid in my pantry and just cried to her. I'm feeling better now!

Hays helped him with his homework and Tiki did very well. He has so much potential and I know he'll do so great! I was so proud of his reading! He is great with one on one instruction and Hays was doing an amazing job giving that to him!

He has a long way to go, though. He cannot write letters or numbers. I was surprised by that. I want to work with him, but I just don't feel qualified. Gretchen gave me some great ESL (English as a Second Language) websites and I plan on working on those with him. We'll work on our numbers and letters every night! Hopefully as he learns to speak English better over the next few months, his writing will come, too!

I'm proud of him. He did so much better than I would have done in that same situation! I cannot fathom having to have gone to school where not one thing was familiar. He didn't take out his frustration in any way. He is still smiling. I am a proud momma. . .even though I had my breakdown!

So, there was our first day. Tomorrow is a new day. . . .


M and L said…
Jamie Jo- This has nothing to do with this post, but I just read your twitter and wanted to let you know our Boxer tore both of his ACL's and we did both surgeries! Def do what the doc says for recovery! It's a long process but totally worth it (our dogs are our kids!!)

PS I am a Kanakuk girl! I went for 10 years and I am so glad I have found your blog!! Love reading about your adoption process! How amazing! God is so good!
Room4More said…
Praying for you, one mama to another. My Molly (6) says she hopes she can play with Tiki someday at an AWAA Rwanda reunion!
kim said…
Hey Jamie Jo - I just wanted to encourage you. You can do it! Tiki can do it! God will help you do it!! (Smile) I have posted a couple of things on our blog about ESL that Selam's teacher has been sharing with me. The stages of Second Language Learning and resources to go along with those stages. You might want to check it out. Also some fun websites for you to play around with that would be easy for Tiki. Selam is doing very well with them.

Feel free to email me or call me anytime - I am in no way an expert but am walking in the same shoes you are and would love to be an ear or shoulder if you need it.

Praying for you!!!
dawn said…
I am proud of you and Tiki both and especially Maggie. I cannot imagine how the frightening the first day in a new country would be. With all you have been through, a breakdown was in need. I am sure it made you feel better emotionally. It was time to let it all out. Tiki will adapt. It takes time, but by this time next year, you can go back and read this post and see all his progress. It will be such a blessing!

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