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But The Fire Is So Delightful. . .

. . . .  Let it snow!  Let it snow!  Let it snow! 

Oh my!  What an evening the Braners have had!  It started out as date afternoon/night and we were so excited! 

After picking everyone up from school, we headed to watch "Mega Mind."  The kids have been counting down the days until our date so that they could watch the movie.  As we are getting out of the car, the 2 dogs in the car beside us were literally going crazy. . .mean crazy and somehow, over the barking and growling, Hays heard air RUSHING out of my back tire.  Nice.  So, I took the kids and into the theater, bought them tickets and sent them on their way down the hall and to the fourth theater on the right with Lesley to watch the movie.  Meanwhile, I called AAA.  Surprisingly, they were very speedy and my tire was fixed in no time!  So, I headed into the movie about thirty minutes late and they let me go for free since they had overheard my conversation with AAA about the nail I ran over in the theater parking lot.

Next, we were headed to Applebee's where we have discovered that kids eat for ninety-nine cents on Wednesday nights (ironically, the last Wednesday we ate there, we found ourselves with a flat tire, too).  You cannot beat great meals for under a dollar, so we were pumped to head that direction.  Who knew that everyone else in Durango has heard about the kids' night at Applebee's, too?!?!  It was packed and we were not getting a table for seven any time in the near future, so we headed for our favorite spot Zia's.  Another Wednesday night mistake. . .the line for Zia's was snaking out the door.  That led us to Tequilia's.  It is a favorite, but with the entire brood, it gets expensive (even when we all drink water).  We loved it, though!  Then when it came time to pay the bill, someone (who?) had already picked up our check.  WOW!

So, tonight on date night, I got a free tire change (thank you AAA), one free adult movie ticket and free dinners for seven.  Great date night.  And we all had a blast together!

So, we headed home with full bellies, Justin Bieber singing in our heads and visions of the snow that is promised for the next thrity-six hours in our minds. 

I titled this post, "the fire is so delightful" for a reason.  Our heater is BROKEN.  You got it.  The first snows of the season are forcasted for the next couple of days and the Braners don't have heat. . .we don't have heat anywhere in the house.  The downstairs thermostats are reading in the upper 50s right now (promising to drop lower by morning) and the master bedroom is reading in the upper 40s.  Thankfully, we have a fire place that blows out heat to the living room so the kids are all camping out there tonight!  It is really the perfect ending to our fun date night!  I'll have to take a picture in the morning and post it because it is really cute. . .the blankets by the fire and the Christmas tree.  It made my heart smile!  (I didn't make myself a pallet and I am thinking that I will be regretting that decision come about two o'clock in the morning when my room is cold enough for my breath to frost.)

So, the fire is SO delightful and we are SO ready for it to snow, snow, snow!!!  (Don't get me wrong, though, I would LOVE to have our heaters fixed. . .it isn't that cute!)


Anonymous said…
Jamie Jo: You emailed me back a LONG time ago about adoption... I was that former Kanakuk counselor who lives in Colorado. I just wanted you to know that through your blog (it was in your email), you have been such an inspiration to me! Your optimism, hope in the Lord, and perseverance shine through. We are now on the wait list for a little girl from Ethiopia through IAN (International Adoption Net), an agency here in the Denver area.

I just wanted to tell you hello and send a big virtual thank you from the "other side" of the mountains.

Blessings, Nikki

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