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Showing posts from March, 2022

The "Bad Mom" Pride

(This post is a bit wandering and rambling. . . .) In Genesis 3:16, after the Fall, God tells Eve that part of her punishment is that she will have pain during childbirth.  I have blogged about this before ( here ), but I want to hit on it from a different angle. My past blog was about how men struggle with making work their god and how women struggle with making their children their god(s) and how I believe that is part of the sin we deal with as a result of the Fall (not just that man will have to work the ground and that birthing a baby will be excruciating).   Today I want to blog about that "labor pain" as a continual "pain" or struggle or sin for a mom. . . . like struggling with making my children my god(s), I also struggle with pride around my children and it has been breaking my heart lately.  My identity is so often wrapped up in who's mom I am and the pride I have in getting to be their mom and it is barely containable sometimes.  I'm so proud of