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Calling All Prayer Warriors

Okay, well I just heard from Rwanda (Becca Nimrod called the lady working on our adoption). NOTHING!!! Nothing as in that court date I thought we had on August 31st didn't happen and there isn't one scheduled anytime in the future. Nothing as in NOTHING! I am so sad and so frustrated! Our paperwork expires in just over two weeks. Expires as in I can't just do an update because we have MOVED ACROSS THE COUNTRY. Expires as in we have to do a big new-ish Home Study and everything. New house. New school. New doctors (we don't have any yet). New job. This is so ridiculous! I know that God has a plan and is in control. The spiritual side of me knows that. The flesh side of me is so frustrated right now and I just want to stay that way for a bit.

I also think this bit of news has triggered a "I've moved" switch and the tears are falling. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I've been so strong for everyone and I knew the tears would come. . .well, here they are. The new kid is broken.

I want my boy! Really, that doesn't seem like it is asking too much.

So, prayer warriors. Pray. Don't pray for my tears. They'll turn off. They're healthy. They needed to come out eventually. Pray for my boy. Pray that somehow we get a court date. Pray that someone will take our case personally and move it along. This is so ridiculous! SO RIDICULOUS!!!


Interrupted by wonderful Becca calling from Rwanda. She is such a dear friend! So faithful!!! She is such a dear and faithful and trusted friend. She has me on Skype and the lady in Rwanda on the cell phone! :) At least I'm not crying and I'm kind of laughing because this is humorous! Humorous and frustrating!

I'm hearing "I'm sorry" over the connection from the lady in Rwanda. She told me to "not worry." She has a big group right now adopting kids and that she will focus on me on Monday. She PROMISES that she will have us pass court by the end of September (when my papers expire). She says that between the 20th-24th I should have my court ruling (great Birthday present for Hays). I am typing while listening. . .that is why this is sort of post modern with no flow of though! :)

I love Becca!!!

Becca keeps saying, "ok, I will let her know. I will let her know. Ok. I will let her know." I cannot wait to find out what she is going to let me know! Becca says that she kept saying that "I won't let her down. I never let any of my families down." At least she seems to care! And Becca cares and will follow up for me! Praise the Lord for Becca!


So, we'll see. . .by the end of September! Thanks for your prayers!

Thanks, Becca, for your help!


Kelly said…
So glad that there will be someone to take a special interest in your case... I am hoping and praying. I miss you rediculously... I wish you guys would just move back home :(((((
Unknown said…
You made it sound like I did so much. Really, I did all that I could, short of getting my kids ready, out the door, on a bus and finding her in person. ;) Next week...that may be what I do.

I will call on Monday and see where things are. I really will take everyone to Kigali and find the court if I need to. Let's pray that things go smoothly and she is able to get the date and things in order. She promised!!

I LOVE YOU and it is an honor to be walking this road with you. It is probably the closest I'll be to walking it myself. ;) Soon, we will know more.

Oh yea, let's also thank the Lord for technology. Cell phone on speaker, Skype video chat, Rwanda mountains to Rwanda city to Durango, CO mountains -- That was pretty fun!
Katharine A. said…
Praying for you and your family and for your boy!!!! God is going to do great things and blow your mind while doing them! I'm so excited for your family and glad that every summer I am apart of it!!! Love you guys!
kim said…

You can count on me to be praying with you - for you. The great thing about our Lord is that with Him we can have HOPE!!! So proud of you - it's so hard to wait on God but the reward is amazing when we do!!

Julie Neal said…
There is a reason for Becca staying on in Rwanda and now we know!! God has your sweet boy in HIS hands and I know he will be home soon!!!!!!!!!
The Neal family is praying, praying and doing some more praying!!!
We miss you!!
Kari said…
OHHHH WOW!! What an incredible post of love and waiting on Him!! I'm so proud of you Jamie... as long as I've known you in the adoption journey, you've been waiting. We are praying for Rwanda miracles!! Keep us posted sister!
WE miss you too!!
emily said…
Great, feel like I was there, post. Thanks for being real, honest and laying it out there. Praying for court to happen next week.
Brittany Watson said…
The Watson's are praying! Love you!
Jamie said…
You do not know me but I want you to know that your family is in our prayers. We are also in the process of adopting from Rwanda. Our dossier just arrived in Rwanda the first week of August so we are still waiting for the approval from the ministry.
I was very touched in reading your blog. Your family is so beautiful!
I will be thinking of you and can't wait for you to be able to pick up your son in Rwanda.
Thank you!
sam said…
still praying for the 7th Braner!! hope all is well in the new town, and this post is amazingly transparent, and shows how your dependency is on the Father. Love It!

I'll be up there for my sister's wedding on the 25th of September, and I'm bringing my fiance'!!! Hopefully we'll see ya that weekend.
AV said…
seriously praying.

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