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Great Day of Fellowship!!!

Yesterday was a great day of fellowship! All of the women directors at Kanakuk threw me a going away party and we laughed for hours. They told sweet stories about memories of me and they told funny stories about memories we have shared together. I have known some of them since I was just a toddler and it was fun to laugh about life and it was nice to be honored for the day. I typically don't like to be the center of attention, but it was kind of nice yesterday. I laughed so hard and it was so refreshing! I am thankful for the friends I have here, in my work place. Thanks, ladies!


Every once in a while it is so nice to get off of my regularly worn path and spend time with good friends from out of town. That is what I got to do last night and it was so refreshing. Andy and I got to spend the evening with our good friends Steven Curtis Chapman and his son, Caleb, Geoff Moore and Michael W. Smith. We got to talk about life and family and we got to talk about adoption.

Steven has hired Geoff to work for Show Hope and they are touring around the country raising money through sponsorships. It is a great program and beyond raising money for adoption, it is raising awareness that people can support adoption without actually adopting!

We are actually throwing around the idea of doing a Show Hope tour of our own next year. . . Caleb and his band would provide the entertainment and then Andy would speak. We'd travel around on a tour bus for several weeks. I am so excited about the possibility! We've had several requests to video our experience for a reality show because just having my family in a tour bus for a month at a time would be comic relief worth watching! :) (So it has been said by those who don't live it 24-7.)

My favorite part was seeing Andy interact with his good friends. I loved watching him laugh (hard) and really fellowship from the heart and with men who know him and love him despite of himself. My prayer is that Andy will find that kind of friend in Durango. A friend to do life with. A friend to laugh with. A friend to know Andy.

No adoption news. Kim G. did share some good Biblical wisdom with me, though. . .verses I know, but needed to be reminded of:

Do not fret or worry. Instead of worrying pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Philippians 4:5-7


kristen said…
I went to college at Colorado State with an incredible Godly man by the name of Matt Bong. He owns and runs Ike's coffee in Durango and I can see he and Andy getting along beautifully.

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