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Ring Ching

So, a year ago today I was driving home from work praying about this new health and wellness company I was involved in.  I had been using the products for about 6 months, I had lost 40 pounds and I was feeling great.  Financially things were difficult at camp and I felt like I needed a financial back up for my family.  God really laid it on my heart to give MLM a go.  So, I prayed about it and I asked Him to send me the right people and to guide my steps.

When I walked in the door from my commute, I got a call from a number I didn't recognize.  It was one of my sorority sisters (my big actually) who needed a change.  She needed some weight loss, she needed health, but what she was desperate for at that time was to be able and make her car payment.  Her testimony is below.  In the past 52 weeks she has gotten so much more from this company than a few pounds off and a car payment made monthly!

And so have I!  I have friendships that I would have never had.  Kirsten is one of my closest friends now and I missed that opportunity 20 years ago when I could have taken it.  I have dear friends all over the country because of this company.  I am healthier and I feel better.  I am learning about health and wellness and I love all I am learning.  I am a part of something bigger and I love that!  I love that I can help make people's lives better.  I can give help them get better health, I can help them loose weight (and keep it off), I can help them feel better, I can help them reach their financial goals and their financial dreams.

I don't like talking about finances.  I don't ever want to sound ungrateful or sound like I'm bragging.  But, I think it is important to share what this company has done for my family financially.  In the past year, I have earned over $28,000 working this extremely part time.  I'm a busy working mom and this company is not at the top of my to do list, but it is such a generous company with such a simple and generous compensation plan and I have been able to leverage my efforts and my time by building a great team based on my friend who called me 365 days ago asking for help.

So, RING CHING.  Ring Ching to a sorority sister that God put in my life 20 years ago for more than just college stuff.  Ring Ching to a year of helping other people change their lives and get the health they deserve.  Ring Ching to a company that is generous and full of integrity.  Ring Ching to products that are truly life changing and I can speak from my own experience as well as the experiences of my husband, my children and my friends across the world!


Kirsten's Story:
Hi. I'm a 38 yr old mom of 4 who was struggling with weight and health issues for the past few years since I had 3/4 of my thyroid removed. I worked out 5 times a week and was exhausted! I took cat naps every afternoon around 4 and was addicted to diet coke and sugar! I also had disc replacement surgery a year and a half ago in my neck and was told I would never regain full movement in my neck again and afterwards was addicted to hydrocodone and muscle relaxers because of the constant pain. I had IBS for the past 15 years in which I have been medicated for, but never fully felt relief. Almost 2 years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease and the doctor and all my friends and family thought we had finally found a cure for my stomach issues. I quit gluten immediately and expected to drop weight fast and feel better but neither one came. 

So a year ago I heard about these products through my college friend Jamie Jo and trusted her so I decided to go for it. What did I have to lose??

In the first 8 days I lost 9 lbs and 16 inches. Not only did i begin toI look better and have the problem with my pants falling down without a belt, I felt amazing. I was no longer am tired. I no longer take naps. I feel like the energizer bunny! Having read that these products reduce inflammation, I decided to quit my narcotics cold turkey. By the next day the pain in my neck and shoulder was gone! I could turn my head all the way to the left for the first time in years! I also stopped taking my IBS meds and have never felt better!!! 

A little after the 2 month marker I exceed my goal with 24 lbs loss and over 44 inches gone! Now maintaining it with amazing workouts powered by Spryng that is re-shaping my body! Never too old or stuck to try something new!


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